Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kindergarten Circus

This year was the 27th Annual Kindergarten Circus.  The circus was started in 1987 by Mrs. Hammond.  The Kindergarten classes look forward to this event for weeks.  It is their chance to perform in front of the students, parents, grandparents, and friends.  Even some high school students sneak over to be entertained with the circus.  Every Kindergarten kid remembers what they were in the circus.
Before make-up with Bailey.
 Justin picked to be a clown for his Kindergarten circus.  He had so much fun acting silly and putting on a show.
After make-up with Bailey.
 The Kindergarten circus has a ringmaster to announce all the performers.  Then the acts this year included:  lions with a lion tamer, tight rope walkers, scooter riders, tumblers, an elephant with a trainer, strongmen, snake charmer, and the clowns.
 This was our last circus performer.  The girls were a tightrope walker, a tumbler and a scooter rider. 

 The snake charmer act had not been chosen by any students for about 7 years, but it made an appearance this year.  It was my favorite act.  These two boys, Oliver and Mickey, were just the two to pull this act off.  Oliver loves snakes and therefore, it was the perfect part for him.
Take care,

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