Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Academic Success

We had one pretty proud Freshman at our house when the Norfolk Catholic first semester honor roll was posted at school!  Cara had made the white honor roll for the semester.  When it was announced at school that the honor roll was posted by the office, Cara went and looked for her name.  Then she took a photo of it with her I-pod and sent it to her Dad as proof.  (Even if it is against school policy to text during school.)  She got a response back from Dad telling her how he was proud of her and he knew that she had worked hard to achieve it.  The photo above appeared in the Norfolk Daily News a few days later. 

When we got home from school that day, she proudly announced it to her siblings.  In celebration of the event Ashlin pronounced, "Pops all around for everyone to celebrate!".  Erica was disappointed that junior high students do no qualify for the honor roll because otherwise Erica would have made it also.

Very proud of Cara on her academic accomplishment!  I know she worked hard for it!

Take care,


  1. Congrats Cara! That is quite an achievement! Congrats to Erica too! :)

  2. Such a terrific moment, when they see that their hard work did pay off. Congratulations! (And thanks for the note!)

  3. Way to go, Cara! That is AWESOME!
