Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shoot Me! 29 0f 52

Another week has zipped by and it is Thursday again and time for the Shoot Me! challenge sponsored by Carin over at Forever in Blue Jeans. This is your chance to post a picture with you in the photo. This week's photos are from vacation last week.

Forever In Blue Jeans

What camping trip isn't complete with some s'mores? I haven't had s'mores in years and let me tell you that they tasted as good as I remembered.

Take care,


  1. We just made smores last weekend too! I didn't try one but I am sure they are delicious!

  2. Haven't been camping yet this year, but we've put the fire-pit to good use making s'mores. It just feels like you need them for it to really be summer.
