Another week has zipped by and it is Thursday again and time for the Shoot Me! challenge sponsored by Carin over at
Forever in Blue Jeans. This is your chance to post a picture with you in the photo. This week's photos are from freezing sweet corn.

Grandma Leader came down to help us freeze 3 bushels of sweet corn to eat during all of the months when we can't get it fresh from the field.

Ashlin was a trooper and helped through the entire process. Poor Daddy got stuck cleaning corn the entire time.

After the corn is husked, then the corn is washed, then the corn is cooked, then Grandma and I cut the corn off the cob and finally the corn is placed in freezer bags for the deep freeze.

Some of the finished product. Grandma Leader took some home, Grandma Korth got some, and some stayed in our freezer. I am always glad when this summer job is over and the mess is cleaned up. Now to enjoy the corn for the rest of the year.
Take care,
I love fresh veggies in the winter. I froze a little bit of corn this year but I only have a small freezer so I can't fit much in it.