Last Monday night was Meet the Teacher Night at school for the girls. This is the night that you get to take all of your school supplies to school, meet your teacher for the year, pick out a desk or a place to sit, and see fellow classmates.
Ashlin has Mrs. Hammond for Kindergarten this year. As you can see in the photo, Ashlin is in the graduating class of 2023. That year seems so far away, but I know the years will go by fast. Ashlin is very excited to be in Mrs. Hammond's class. Cara also had Mrs. Hammond for Kindergarten. There are 18 students in Ashlin's class - 5 girls and 13 boys. Mrs. Hammond has been teaching Kindergarten at Sacred Heart for many years and she calls each student one of her "Kindergarten kids".

Erica has Mrs. Johnson for 2nd Grade this year. We knew that Erica would be placed in Mrs. Johnson's 2nd Grade classroom because the other 2nd Grade teacher is our neighbor, Mrs. Pfeifer (Nicole). Erica was not ready for school to start, but she was ready to see all of her friends after summer vacation. Erica has a big year coming up in 2nd Grade with First Reconciliation in November and First Communion in April.

Cara is starting 4th Grade this year in Mrs. Claussen's room. Cara's class did pick up a new student this year, but they also lost a student. Therefore, her class is still the smallest class in school with 33 students. In 4th Grade, Cara gets to start experiencing switching of classrooms. Cara was ready for school to start.
I have been really behind in reading blogs the last few weeks and I do apologize. I have to get used to the new schedule that the household is on. I must find a new balance between work and home. Everyone keeps asking me about my new job and I can't really say yet. So far all I have done is sit in meetings, assist the Kindergarten class on the first day, and meet the new afternoon preschoolers at open house last week. Today is my first day of having kids in the preschool room for the afternoon, so, I will let you know in a few days how it is going.
Take care,