Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Kissing A Pig

Every month the students are challenged by Mrs. Guenther with a reading goal.  She calls the program "Book in the Backpack".  Every night the students are to read for a minimum of 10 minutes and then have their parents sign a reading log. 

In January, the goal was to have 265 students read one night.  If they reached this number on any day in the month, then Mr. Lafleur would kiss a pig.  If they reached 280 students, then Mrs. Guenther and Mrs. Vrbka would also kiss a pig.  Every day at school the number of readers from the previous night is included in the end-of-the-day announcements.

The students reached this goal and this is the pig that came to school.  We had a student assembly and the pig was brought into the gym squealing.  The students were so excited!!!  It was a great month for reading!

Take care,


  1. Oh my word -- that is hilarious but great effort on the part of the students!! Yikes -- kiss a pig - no way!! Maddy has a friend with the last name of Vrbka in her grade! Have a great day!

  2. I bet the pig was a huge hit at the assembly! Way to go on meeting your reading goals this year!
