Monday, October 19, 2015

Turning 8!!!

Justin turned 8 years old on Wednesday!!!  He had been counting the days and stalking the mail box for days.  He was up bright and early that morning.  He did get a few birthday cards in the mail.  We gave him some Legos, a new Wii game and his favorite candy bar.  It doesn't take much to make him happy!
 Justin took fruit snacks to share with his class for birthday treats.  Grandma Leader stopped by after school with a rice krispy cake for him to celebrate with.
 We went out to eat as a family at Applebee's.  Justin made sure that we sat in a booth where we could watch the Royals playing baseball.  Now he is counting the days until his birthday party/sleepover with a few of his friends this week.
The kids have two half days (Monday & Wednesday) and no school on Friday because of Parent/Teacher Conferences so his birthday party will work well this week.

Take care,


  1. Wow -- can hardly believe he's 8 already! Hope he has a fabulous birthday party!! 8 is Great!

  2. Happy Birthday, Justin! It looks like you had sooo much fun celebrating his special day. I agree with Jan -- 8 is great!
