Monday, February 17, 2014

5th Grade Club Scrimmage

The 5th Grade girls at Norfolk Catholic have 18 girls out for club basketball.  Therefore, the girls are usually divided into two teams to give every girl a chance to play at this level.  They are still learning fundamentals and how to play as a team.
 Two weeks ago, one half of the girls had a scrimmage against the girls from Lutheran High Northeast and then a week ago the other half had a scrimmage against the same team.  It was just a practice scrimmage, have a game and no score was kept.
 Erica has never played basketball before and she is busy learning fundamentals.  She is learning to play more aggressive, but still be in control.
 This scrimmage was a great warm-up before they start playing in tournaments in the weeks to come.
 Erica is having a good time, getting some exercise, and hanging out with her classmates and friends.

Take care,


  1. How fun for Erica. We only have two more painful weeks of basketball left but who is counting?!

  2. Yay, Erica! Fundamentals first.......keep learning!
