Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spring Music Concert

 The theme for the Spring Music Concert was patriotic.  The program as usual started off with the preschool classes singing a few songs for the audience.

 The two preschool classes together sang "Take Me Out To See Jesus", "Wave the Flag", "Mr. Sun", and "Good-bye Song".  They waved the flags that they made in class and they all wore their Sonshine Preschool yellow shirts.
 The 2nd Graders sang "America", "George Washington" and "Out From The Wilderness".  Each class was to wear red, blue or white shirts to show their patriotic colors.
 The 4th Graders had to play their recorders because they just completed a unit learning how to play.  They played "When The Flag Goes By" and "This Land Is Your Land".
 The 6th Grade wore shirts the color of what row they stood in.  They sang "Home" and "We Are America".

The Sacred Heart Singers sang "Fifty Nifty United States".  Then the program was concluded with the teachers singing "God Bless America" with audience participation.

Take care


  1. What a fun concert! Cute pictures!

  2. What a great concert. The kids look great in their red, white and blue.

  3. I love the school concerts! That sounded like a great one!

  4. There is nothing sweeter than children singing. :)
