Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Winter Swimming Lessons

Winter seems to go by a little faster if you do an activity, so, for the last 8 weeks all four of the kids have been taking swimming lessons at the YMCA.  The swimming program was recently changed, therefore, before the kids could start they all had to go for placement tests to determine what level they were at currently.
Justin was in Beginner I and although he didn't pass his level he had a great time.  He was so proud that he could jump off the diving board with a float belt on and swim to the side all by himself.  Now he needs to learn to swim without a float belt to pass this level.
I almost missed Ashlin jumping off the diving board in this photo.  Ashlin needs to get stronger in the water.  She didn't pass her level of Beginner III for this reason.  She can do the strokes, but she needs to become stronger.
Cara is our strong swimmer.  She only has one level left to complete.  She passed Advanced I this time.  Her instructor commented that Cara is a strong swimmer and there is a place for her on swim team if she would like to join.  Cara is hoping that her swimming will lead to a future summer job as a lifeguard.  But, you must be 15 years old before you can take the life guarding test.
Ashlin treading water.
Erica swimming laps.  Erica needs to get a little better on technique to pass her Intermediate III level.  The instructor did comment how much stronger and improved Erica did get over the course of 8 weeks.  She is becoming more comfortable in the water.
Justin hanging on to the side after doggy paddling the length of the pool.
Cara practicing a kick on the side of the pool.
I think Justin had a smile on his face the whole time.  He had so much fun.
Cara swimming more laps.

In a few weeks we will move on to spring sports.  Cara and Erica both are going to take a spring volleyball training from the head coach at school.  Also, Justin, Ashlin and Erica are going to play spring soccer at the YMCA.  There is no end to the running to activities at this house.

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Great job on swimming lesson! Maddy really needs to become a stronger swimmer!

