The class goal of having 5 baskets of goodies turned into 31 baskets of prizes. You could buy a chance to win jewelry, movie nights, kitchen goodies, stuffed animals, books, etc. The list of good baskets was endless. Ashlin, Erica and I each purchased tickets on more than one morning. One boy in Cara's class brought in a $10 bill one day and bought tickets. Another little girl in preschool brought a whole baggy of change to buy tickets.
On Friday morning the class had a bake sale where you could purchase a goody for $.25. Ashlin took a quarter and bought a cookie to go with her lunch for the day. Then at the end of the day on Friday the winners were announced. The photo below is of the basket that Mrs. Leader (a.k.a. me) won.
This is basket #7 filled with Kitchen Items including: a kitchen towel, cookie cutter, two cookie stamps, a cookie mix, a jar of apricot jam and a jar of apple butter.
The final total of money raised for the raffle and bake sale came to over $600. This money will be split with half of the money going to a needy family in our parish and then other half going to Haiti to buy sewing machines. This project over exceeded everyone's expectations and I have a feeling will be repeated in the future because of the huge success.
Take care,