I have been absent from the land of blog for over a week. A week ago Friday, the computer crashed due to a virus. Therefore, our household spent last weekend and the first half of last week minus a computer since it had to go in for repair. You don't realize how much you use your computer until you are without one. The computer repair man told Keith that they cannot keep up right now with all of the computer repairs due to viruses. But, the computer is back and Keith has gotten everything reinstalled and we are set to go again.
Update on the new job, "Every day is a new adventure in the land of preschool"! A few people have asked me what that means. Does that exclamation mean that I love my job or does that exclamation mean that I don't like my job? Well, it means both. There are good and bad moments every day just like any other job. I love the hours of my job - 11:15 - 3:15 every day Monday through Friday. I could tell you lots of stories about what they say and do. Without the students telling me how old they were, I could tell who was 4 years old almost 5, who had just turned 4 years old, and who was 3 years old almost 4. It is so obvious by the way they interact with others, listen and follow directions, there physical make up, etc. You have to vary your expectation based on the age difference between an almost 5 year old and a 3 year old. That is two years difference and that is a lot of difference at that age. After being in the preschool room for two weeks, I am so glad that the State of Nebraska changed the cut-off date for Kindergarten of being 5 years old from October 15th to July 31st starting next school year.
I have very busy with the students learning songs, reading books about farm animals, coloring, learning prayers, learning Bible stories, playing at recess time, learning letters and sounds, etc. The list of activities in three hours of preschool is endless. Singing songs with actions might be my favorite though.
One little boy in class called me "Mrs. Lola" for the first week of class. I think he heard how to say my name wrong, but he has since started calling me "Mrs. Leader". This same little boy is obsessed with trains and it is the first item that he plays with each day. Another little boy is obsessed with the flag. He loves to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. He knows to stand with his hand on his heart and the other arm behind his back. His mom told us that if you ever drive past their home and you see them marching up and down the driveway holding a flag, it is because he loves the flag. Each student has his/her own personality and it is an enjoyment getting to know each of them.
Take care,