Friday, July 30, 2010
Grandpa & Grandma Leader's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Shoot Me! 27 of 52
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Evening of Family & Fun

Roger and Merina enjoyed the evening on the porch swing on the deck.

Nick and Holly playing basketball while David and Cory are playing the corn toss game.

Lisa watching Kenny play the corn toss game in the backyard.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A photo of a three-toed horse.

Monday, July 26, 2010
Relay for Life 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Shoot Me! 26 of 52

Take care,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Swimming Lessons
Justin did not enjoy swimming lessons at all. Each day was a fight with him because he wanted to swim too. But, Justin is only 2 years old and you have to be three years old to participate. Therefore, Justin would spend swimming lessons trying to get in the gate at the pool and wandering around the outside of the fenced pool. On the last day of lessons parents get to come inside the pool and watch their children, take pictures, video tape and talk to the instructors. Justin during this time tried more than once to jump into the pool. Just wait until next summer when he gets to participate in swim lessons. Justin loves swimming.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
City Rec Softball
This was Erica's first year to be old enough for city rec softball. Erica played t-ball in the 7 & 8 year old division. Erica's team was sponsored by the Norfolk Morning Kiwanis Club. T-ball is used to teach the players fundamentals. The score is not kept in the t-ball games. At bats are stopped after getting three outs or five runs. It is not uncommon during the game for one of the coaches to stop the game to explain how to stand, how to hold the bat, where to throw the ball, etc. The coaches are high school and college girls. All of the coaches do an excellent job throughout the season teaching the girls technique, fundamentals and good sportsmanship.

Monday, July 19, 2010
Boating with Friends
This last weekend we went boating twice. Friday night we were invited to go boating with Scott, Nicole and Tyler (our neighbors two doors down) on their boat. So late Friday afternoon, we packed up the cooler with sandwiches, chips, crackers, cookies and pop and headed to Pierce to Willow Lake for an evening of boating, swimming and tubing. Much to my dismay, my camera chose that evening for my battery to be dead so I have no pictures from a great evening. The kids had so much fun swimming in the lake and tubing. It was a great evening!!!
Sunday morning we were up bright and early and headed off to Mass. After Mass, we ate a quick breakfast, changed clothes and packed the cooler again. A different neighbor invited us to go to Yankton to Gavin's Point Dam and boat with them. We put the boat in the lake on the Nebraska side but we crossed over to the South Dakota side also.

Cara, Preston, Elliot, Sienna and Keaton tubing. The kids were jumping back and forth between tubes as we were cruising along. Sometimes they would fall off on purpose to cool off!

Cara, Elliot, Preston and Sienna.

Keith joined in on the tubing occasionally.

Justin even cooled off in the lake with Keith and Elliot.

Ashlin eating one of her sandwiches.
After boating twice this weekend, I foresee the purchase of a boat in the near future. Keith has had the itch for awhile and this weekend just made it stronger. The weather here has been very hot and what better a way to cool off then to go boating!
Take care,
Friday, July 2, 2010
Dad, You Gonna Mow?

Justin has picked up on the concept of not wearing a shirt from Tyler this summer. He started mowing with his shirt on and then came and told me that he needed it off. I really wanted him to leave his shirt on due to all of the mosquitoes, but no such luck.

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Shoot Me! 25 of 52
This is me enjoying Summerfest!!!
Today is Thursday and once again I am taking part in the Shoot Me! challenge sponsored by Carin over at Forever in Blue Jeans. This is your chance to post a photo with you in the snapshot. Too often I have noticed that I am not in hardly any snapshots because I am the one taking the photo. So, step out from behind that camera and include you in the photo!
Take care,