I really did attempt to post yesterday, but after two failed attempts (problems with blogger) I just didn't have the time to mess with it anymore. So, today I am back to blogland and posting about our trip to Cancun, Mexico. We left for Mexico on Thursday, March 18th and returned home to Nebraska on Sunday, March 21st. I know it was a short trip, but I love to go and just relax for a few days with no clocks, no kids, and no commitments.
Upon arrival in Mexico, Keith and I flew through immigration, retrieved our luggage, flew through customs and arrived at our hotel, GR Solaris, all in one hour. That is the fastest we have ever gotten through immigration. Usually the lines are endless and it takes at least one hour to get through immigration alone.
The first night we hung out in the hotel's lounge area. The entertainment staff had karaoke going on first and then their was live music for people to listen to or even dance. We just sat around and people watched and had a few drinks before calling it a night. We could not believe the number of families on spring break together (parents on spring break with their college age kids). Who goes on spring break with their parents when they are in college?
The next morning we were up bright and early (shortly after 6:00). Mexico does not observe Daylight Savings Time, so the sun was peeking in through our shades bright and early. We showered fast, ate breakfast, put out our towels to reserve chairs by the pool, and then took a long walk on the beach. The beach at our hotel was beautiful and we had a lot of beach. Then we found our pool loungers and hung out by the pool relaxing for the rest of the day. Keith ventures into the ocean, but not me. I lay on my lounger and read while people watching. Needless to say, our evening out did not happen that night because I had too many fruity cocktails and too much sun by the pool that afternoon.
A view of the upper pool with the swim up bar.

The front of our hotel GR Solaris.

A view from the balcony off our room.

This is the lower pool. I am standing on the bridge dividing the two pools.
The next day we did the same things, but at night we ventured out. We went to a mall and bought presents to bring home. We walked around the bar area and ventured in for a drink. The next morning we had to gt ready to go home. We thought our transportation was picking us up too early for the airport, but upon arrival at the airport it was a nightmare with everyone trying to fly home from spring break. The line to check-in took us at least an hour and then at the gate they were asking for volunteers to give up their seats and take a later flight home because of overbooking.
We had a fun and relaxing vacation. I cannot wait to go back again. I love sitting on my lounge chair and just doing nothing but soaking up the sun and reading a good book.
Take care,