Friday, January 29, 2010
Mother/Daughter Look Alike Contest
I told Cara that if we were going to ever win a contest this was the one for us to enter. Truth be told, Cara looks exactly like me when I was 9 years old. Ashlin also looks like me, but I decided that I could only take one daughter to the Expo and enter the contest. I chose Cara because she is the oldest and would behave the best while I browsed for awhile at the Expo.
At first Cara was embarrassed and said that there was no way that she would do it. I again stressed to her that we definitely did look alike and that we should give it a try. Saturday morning Cara was ready to go and give it a shot.
The third booth that we went to at the Expo was the photography booth for the contest. Right away the photographer was telling us how much we looked alike. She proceeded to take about four different poses of us together and then she took a few shots of Cara by herself. Then we were told that we could check out our proofs online in a few days. Cara and I then walked around the Expo and browsed, but everywhere we went ladies kept asking us if we had gotten our picture taken for the Look Alike Contest.
Yesterday I received an e-mail that Cara and I had placed 2nd in the contest and that she would be mailing our gift certificate to us. Cara was so excited and I was also. We checked out our proofs online and some of them are amazing.
So, you tell us if you think that Cara and I look alike!! You can check out the 1st place winner and Cara's and my 2nd place photo at the photographers blog Reflections Portraits under the post - Women's Expo 2010.
Take care,
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Valentine's Day Wreath
Since I am short on decor and the project looked fairly easy I decided to buy the supplies for two wreaths. One smaller and one larger heart-shaped wreath. Cara completed the smaller one and I completed the larger wreath. Erica and Ashlin tried to help Cara with the smaller wreath, but Ashlin thought the project was too hard and Erica lost interest.

Shoot Me! Week 4 of 52
Today is Week 4 of 52 in the Shoot Me! Challenge by Carin over at Forever in Blue Jeans. Cara, our oldest daughter, took this picture of me last Saturday when we were working on a Valentine wreath craft project. It is not the best snapshot, but it is a picture of me on the other side of the camera. I still find this challenge to be exactly that for me "A Challenge". Hopefully, it will get easier for me each week.
I will have another post later today about our Valentine wreath project that Cara and I completed, and I am starting to work on another craft project for Valentine's Day.
Take care,
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Help the Children of Haiti
Ashlin's class must have learned about the poor children in Haiti at school yesterday. Ashlin knew that these children needed help. She knew that these children needed new socks and underwear. Also, she knew that the children in Haiti did not have beds to sleep on and that they slept on dirt.
Today after picking Ashlin up from preschool we went to the store and purchased new socks and underwear for Ashlin to give to the children of Haiti. Ashlin picked out "Fancy Nancy" and "High School Musical" little girl underwear and a big package of little girl socks.
Next week is Catholic Schools Week and our school is holding a clothing drive for the children of Haiti. We can bring new or gently used summer clothing to school and it will be shipped to Haiti. A few weeks ago, the second collection money at Mass also went to Haiti to help after the earthquake.
God Bless these little children of Haiti!
Take care,
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Date Night
The sitter ran over at 6:00 to watch our kids and Keith and I start quizzing Keaton on what movie to go see. There was only one movie showing that we had any interest in seeing, "The Blind Side". The problem was that the movie started at 6:45. How were we going to get dinner in before the movie? The answer in our haste was to return the Red Box movie from Friday night, drive thru Burger King and grab a sandwich, stop at the bank ATM for cash and then get to the movie theater. Good thing we live in a small town where we could accomplish all of that in a short amount of time.
We loved the movie!!! We are both huge football fans so I was sure that we would enjoy it. We got out of the movie at 9:00 and we both looked at each other and said "Now what do we do?". So we headed to a local sports bar for a drink and nachos.
It is no wonder that throughout the night and the next morning that we both had stomach aches. We ate enough junk food in one night to make up for all of the junk food that we both had been depriving ourselves since we started watching what we eat and working out. If you look at what we had to eat - Burger King sandwiches, movie theater popcorn with butter, large sodas, nachos and margaritas. I'm surprised we didn't throw up on all of that junk. My body isn't used to junk food like that any more. Thank heavens we don't eat like that very often! But, it was a GREAT night out away from our kids!
Take care,
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday Night Movies
Take care,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Our Goofy Erica!

P.S. Erica gets this from her Dad, NOT me.
Take care,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Shoot Me!!! Week 3 of 52
Today is Week 3 of 52 of the Shoot Me! challenge by Carin over at Forever in Blue Jeans. The challenge entails getting yourself on the other side of the camera. I just had a ton of pictures printed from Christmas and found myself not present in hardly any of them. This photo challenge to get myself in more pictures is a real challenge for me. But, my children someday will want to see what their mother looked like as they grew up.

Ashlin and I cuddled up in a blanket watching a movie. It was supposed to be rest time.We were trying to get Justin to take a nap, so, we were resting also.
Take care,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Snowman Tradition

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Make 'n Take Day
Usually, I spend the time helping Ashlin with her crafts that are too hard for her to complete on her own. Also, I usually take pictures of the girls working on their crafts. But, this time the museum was running short on volunteers to work a craft table, so, I stepped up to help. This left the girls on their own and I thought they did a really good job on their crafts.

The crafts that the girls made - snowman boxes, snow measuring sticks, peanut snowman pins, ice skate pins and wet mitten hangers.

Justin trying on one of the girl's stocking hats that they made.

Ashlin modeling her scarf and hat that Cara made for her.

A picture of our three girls with the fleece stocking hats and scarves that they made at craft day. Cara did most of the work for her sisters. They all agreed that these hats and scarves were so warm.
Take care,
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday Visitors

Ashlin coloring in a princess book.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Shoot Me Week 2 of 52

Today is Week 2 of 52 for the Shoot Me challenge that Carin at Forever in Blue Jeans has started. This is a hard challenge for me because I totally space off that I need a picture of myself to post on Thursdays. Last night at 7:30 it dawned on me that I did not have a picture, so, Erica took a quick picture of me listening to Cara read. Cara has to read at least 20 minutes each evening. She gets a grade on her outside reading and she needs to meet her A/R goal for the quarter.
Take care,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ashlin is asleep under this blanket. The time was at 7:15 p.m. last night.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Vacation is Over
Finally, we are back to a regular routine. Justin has his alone time back and also his time at the YMCA to play in the playroom while Mommy works out. I am so thankful to get back to normal.
As one of the neighbors said, "Did you do the happy dance yesterday when you dropped your kids off at school?". I love my kids a lot, but sometimes it is best if they go to school to preserve my sanity a little.
Take care,
Monday, January 11, 2010
Passion or Obsession
I have a passion for my children's school. But, sometimes that passion turns into an obsession. As I have mentioned before, my children attend a catholic school. When it comes to fundraising for the school, I am more that willing to participate and help do whatever because I know that the school is financially poor. But then again, in this economy, what school either public or parochial is not in need of money.
This all leads up to the current obsession on my list. U.S. Cellular is giving away $1 million to ten schools in America. The ten schools with the most votes for their school win $100,000 each. Lately I have become obsessed with getting voting cards and getting friends and relatives to allow me to use their e-mail addresses to vote for our school. The last time the standings were posted, we were still in the running for the money. Another parochial school 30 miles south of Norfolk won the money last year. I cannot imagine how much this money would help our school if we are fortunate to win.
On the down side, we have found out that many families that send their children to our school have not voted. This leaves me feeling disappointed and upset. This company is giving away FREE money!!! It takes two minutes to vote and who doesn't love FREE money.
A few months ago, I became obsessed with winning the school $50,000 of more FREE money from Box Tops for Education. They had a corporate sponsor that was giving two schools $50,000 each and all you had to do was register for the giveaway once per day. I went to a Home & School (like PTA) and brought up this giveaway and became very excited while I was explaining this giveaway. Some parents looked at me like I had grown two heads, but I don't care. This was FREE money for our school! Unfortunately, we did not win that money, but at least we tried.
Okay, I am stepping down from my soapbox now. I have to go on another mission to get more voting cards.
Take care,
Friday, January 8, 2010
What's for Dinner?
Yesterday, we were barely done with breakfast and someone was asking me what was for lunch. Then I turned the question around on them and asked them what they wanted for lunch. The reply from the girls was pizza. Unfortunately, I had to tell them that we were all out of frozen pizza and I couldn't just run to the store and buy some. The weather here is still awful. The wind chill this morning was supposed to be -40 degrees and our high for today is supposed to be -1 degree (that is without the wind chill factored in). Do I need to say that the kids and I have not left the house in days? It is so cold here that it is too cold to even go outside to play in the snow.
Anyway back to meal time. So, lunch ended up being fruit and homemade mac'n cheese. But, I did tell them that we could have homemade pizza for dinner. Then throughout the afternoon they kept asking me when I would start the pizza dough and made the pizzas. You would think that my children never get fed and are starving. They watch the clock for it to be 3:00 p.m. because that is snack time each day. The girls know that there is no food consumed from the time lunch is over until 3:00 p.m. I had to make this rule quite a while ago because otherwise my children would snack all day and not eat a decent meal.
At 4:00 I started the pizza dough in the bread machine. At 5:00 I browned the hamburger for the pizza. At 5:30, Ashlin and I rolled out the pizza crust. Ashlin was my cooking helper.

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Week 1 of 52
This picture was taken on what we thought was our last day of Christmas vacation. But, Mother Nature is still not allowing my girls to go back to school. Today is Thursday and the girls were supposed to go back to school yesterday, but the snow, high winds, and very low temperatures has combined to extend our Christmas vacation by two days now. If this keeps up, we probably won't have school tomorrow. There was an article in last night's paper about how some schools are going to have to start looking at how to make these days up.
Stay warm,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Last Day of Christmas Vacation
I was so looking forward to the girls going back to school today and Justin and I getting back to our regular routine. Oh well, we have to make the best of the situation because we can't change Mother Nature.
My husband was so kind this morning and made sure that I was awake before he left for work. He knows that on NO school days this mommy does not get out of bed until one of the kids wakes up. I like to sleep in too. Then my husband was kind for a second time this morning and called me a few minutes later to tell me that school had been cancelled. Do I need to say this mommy crawled back in bed? Justin woke up when Keith was on the phone, but he just crawled back into bed with Mommy for awhile until the girls woke up.
Well, these pictures are from yesterday when we thought it was the last day of Christmas vacation. The kids spent most of the day in pajamas. They colored, danced, watched movies, made pop-bead jewelry and just played. It was a day to just do whatever.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy New Year
After dinner we went to Scott and Nicole's house, which just happens to be two houses from our home. We parked in our garage and then just walked over. First we played Scene It from the '80s with the men and women each winning one game and then we moved on to cards. We rang in the New Year with toasts, cheers, and hugs. We arrived home at 1:44 a.m. to find Cara and Erica still awake. They had rung in the New Year with Hunter the sitter. When we left the house we said that they could stay up and ring in the New Year, but we never thought they could stay up so late. Erica then told us that she wasn't tired or ready for bed yet. What a character. Everyone slept late the next morning.
I'm sorry to say that I forgot my camera for the evening. I know huge party foul, but some things are better remembered in your mind than on film. We had a great evening!
I have been working on my New Year's resolutions this week, but I think I will call them goals instead.
1. I will continue on with my weight loss and hopefully reach my goal. Keith commented on New Year's Eve how both of us have lost weight and how much better we both look.
2. I want to continue to exercise every day or every other day. Exercise gives me more energy and I just feel better as a person. Exercise has become almost an addiction in the last few months. I definitely want this to continue.
3. I will continue to eat better. More fruits and vegetables and less sweets and salts. I still have my sweet tooth, but I can satisfy this in moderation, not indulgence.
4. I will drink more water and hot green tea and less diet soda and juice. Our children also need to drink more water. This we will work on together.
5. I will do more activities with my children one-on-one.
6. I will continue to blog. I have met some amazing people through blogging and I thank them for allowing me to see inside their lives and get to know them through words and pictures. I have never met them in person (except for Jodee), but I feel like I know each one of them on a personal level.
7. I will be in at least one picture per week. I have seen this challenge on more than one blog and I am going to do it this year.
8. I am going to have more patience with my family this year. This goal will be my hardest to keep because I lack greatly in the patience department.
9. I will laugh more at myself and life.
10. I will smile more.
I am sure that I left out some important goals, but for now this list will do.
Take care,
Monday, January 4, 2010
Korth Christmas

My Mom makes us take a family picture every year before we get to open any presents. We used to take our family picture in front of the Christmas tree, but the family has grown so much that now we just pull the couch out from the wall and everyone sets the timer on their cameras for the family photo.

Grandpa, Daddy and Justin putting Justin's new golf cart together. The process involved tools so Justin was in tool heaven.
I think and I hope that this is my last Christmas post. I have been behind in posting and neglecting blog world over the holidays. I haven't even shared about New Year's Eve or my New Year's resolutions. The girls will be heading back to school on Wednesday and then hopefully Justin and Mommy can get back to a regular routine.
Aunt Lorrie's Memory Bears

Cara's bear is made out of Aunt Lorrie's pink flannel robe and one of her shirts.
Merina's gift this year of memory bears was totally unexpected, so tears were shed and memories were shared of remembering some of the clothes and pins. There will always be someone missing at holidays and events, but Lorrie will never be forgotten. Lorrie was the eldest of six and the only girl in the family, but she was the Leader of her five brothers. They all listened to her and sometimes sought out her advice. Lorrie was diagnosed with cancer when Cara was one month old. Lorrie was her godmother and Cara was very close to her Aunt Lorrie.
I'll never forget one time when Cara went and spent the night at Lorrie and Randy's house. Lorrie was so excited to watch Cara and that Cara was going to spend the night. Cara had so much fun.
Take care,