Thursday, December 31, 2009
What were you doing 10 years ago tonight?
I remember this evening because my husband had to work. In fact, practically everyone that works for the power company had to be in a substation that evening working, just in case the equipment and computers failed to handle moving into the year 2000. I hung out that evening with a group of power company wives. We ate, drank and were merry without our husbands. Later we all laughed at how the media had hyped up this moving to the year 2000 because of the stress and worry that it caused people.
So fellow bloggers, I pose the question to you, " What were you doing 10 years ago tonight?"?
Have a safe and happy New Year!
1st Day of Christmas Vacation

Justin trying to ballet walk for the girls.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Christmas Snow Blizzard 2009
Keith standing next to the small side garage door on Christmas morning.

Cara, Erica and Justin standing by the small side garage door on Saturday morning.

The front of our house.

A picture looking down the street to the south.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Day 2009
This year the kids all woke up around 7 o'clock and one by one they all tiptoe into our bedroom to tell us that Santa did come and that there are lots of presents. Keith and I tell them that we'll be out in a while. They all go back to the living room to count presents, shake presents, and speculate what could possibly be in some of them. They all know that they cannot open any presents until everyone is in the living room. Keith and I held them off of opening presents until about 8 o'clock and then the flying of wrapping paper could be seen.
Then Keith made a big breakfast with waffles, biscuits and gravy, and eggs and sausage. Snacks were had throughout the day and then we had a big supper with ham, potatoes and corn. We played games throughout the day and just relaxed. We had no intention of going anywhere and the snow blizzard just confirmed that as the day went on.

Erica and Ashlin patiently waiting for presents.

Ashlin with her new marker color book.

Santa came through and brought us a Wii. With all of the snow this came in handy for entertainment.

Erica holding up a new fleece hoodie.

The three girls unwrapping their new razor scooters.
Monday, December 28, 2009
School Christmas Parties

Justin kept trying to escape Cara's classroom because there aren't any toys in 3rd Grade.

Ashlin eating oranges in Cara's classroom.

Chase, Ethan and Cara hanging out eating their party snacks.

Justin playing in the preschool room.

Ashlin's teacher Mrs. Nedrow was all decked out for the party.
Mrs. Nedrow's children are all grown and she said that this outfit embarrasses them each year, but the outfit is perfect for preschool.

Ashlin working on her Christmas ornament craft.

One group working on their craft.

Signing the big card for the teachers.
After being at the school most of the day, this Mom did not get much done at home. Oh well, the girls are always excited that I'm one of the Moms that gets to come to the class parties and helps out in the classrooms.
Take care,
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Leader Christmas

Ashlin and Kamree had each other's names in the gift exchange.
They sat next to each other and giggled.

We went home that night tired, but everyone was smiling because of all the fun that was had. It always amazes me that there is no fighting at Grandpa and Grandma's house. The cousins all get along and play together the whole day. There are no naps taken, yet they keep on playing. The excitement just keeps them going.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Happy 30th Birthday Holly!!!

Today is my sister Holly's 30th birthday!!! In honor of this big day, I decided to do a post all about her. In my family there are three children and Holly is the youngest. Therefore, I have a few memories to share.
1. I remember the day that Holly was born. Shortly after getting home from school Mom called Dad and said that it was time. Holly was born that night shortly after 6:00 p.m.
2. I remember that Dad wanted to name her Rebecca. Mom did not like the name at all and asked if he would settle for Becky and then he said no. In the end, our brother Joel picked out the name Holly.
3. I remember how she counted when she was going to run a race. Most kids say 1, 2, 3, GO. But, Holly said 8, 9, GO.
4. I remember how wild and crazy her hair was as a baby and how she always had chapped fat cheeks.
5. I remember being in college and having her school picture hang on the wall by my desk in the dorm. Holly would also send me pictures she had colored or drew. Everyone would ask me if she was my niece and I would say, "No, that's my sister".
6. I remember that we all called her "B" (short for baby) and she would answer. Joel and I can still call her that and she will answer. I guess some things you never out grow.
7. I remember how the three of us would lay on the living room floor and watch TV and Holly always had to be in the middle. No matter how close Joel and I would be, she always found a way to squeeze in between us.
8. I remember getting a phone call from Mom telling me that I had to come home from college for the weekend because it was Holly's music recital. Mom told us that Holly had sat through so many of our activities, concerts, recitals, etc. that it was the least we could do for Holly.
9. I remember Joel and I teasing Holly that she was the "oops" in the family. Although to this day, Mom still swears that she was planned.
10. I remember sitting at Holly's high school graduation and cheering when her name was announced. Later, Dad, Mom, Joel and I were all crying because Holly had graduated.
11. I remember sitting in the sun at Wayne State College when Holly graduated from college with a double teaching degree in elementary education and special education.
12. I remember Holly always complaining how she had to get her picture taken on holidays with the nieces and nephews because she wasn't married. We all would just laugh at her.
13. I remember how Aunt Holly taught my oldest daughter to skip. Cara wasn't old enough to know how to skip, but Aunt Holly tried to teach her anyway.
14. I remember how Holly worked eight summers at a daycare. This is probably how she developed such patience for children.
15. I remember the day that Holly was baking her 4-H entries for the Pierce County Fair and her white bread flopped. She started over that night instead of going to bed and I stayed up with her.
16. I remember how Mom would never wrap Holly's birthday presents in Christmas wrapping paper even if her birthday is so close to Christmas.
17. I remember the day that Holly got married and how Joel and I had our picture taken with her and as usual, Holly got to stand in the middle.
18. I remember the day that Holly gave birth to Jack. Just like Mom and me, Holly also has fast labors.
19. I remember Holly calling me and asking me Mom questions about babies, breastfeeding and the like.
20. I know that today my sister, Holly, is 30 years old. I will always remember all of these things and lots more about Holly. I also know that as her big sister I will always stay at 25 years old. I will never age past 25 years and no matter what she says to the contrary, I will deny everything.
Happy Birthday Holly!
Take care,
Friday, December 18, 2009
Burn Fat Burn Update

Back on November 17th, I did a post about how I was going to lose weight and get more in shape. After having four children, it was high time to lose all the baby weight and get back to the thin me. I knew this task was NOT going to be easy, but that it was going to take hard work and a lot of sweat for the pounds to come off.
Well after one month of the mantra, "Burn Fat Burn", I weighed myself this morning at the YMCA after my workout and I am down 10 pounds. I am VERY proud of myself, but I cannot take all of the credit for the weight coming off. I give 50% of the credit to Kristi, the Zumba instructor, who inspires me twice a week to work harder and not give up when I feel like dying in class. I give 25% of the credit to the elliptical machine that I am on about three times a week. Then I give myself 25% for being stubborn and not giving up on losing the weight.
Along the way, my husband has also decided to get more in shape. Keith started taking his lunch to work and he tries to get to the YMCA every two days for a workout. Some days to get his workout in, he leaves work early on vacation time. Keith is down 12 pounds to date. A few days ago I told him I didn't want to hear about his weight loss because I have been stuck with no weight loss the last few weeks and I was feeling sorry for myself. But, he just told me that I am gaining muscle and to just keep at it.
They always say that the first 10 pounds come off the easiest, so I am already dreading how much more sweat and pain it will be to get another 10 pounds off. But, I will not give up. I am in this for the long haul.
Take care,
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tis the Season of Giving
The preschool project this year is Good Neighbors. The children are asked to bring a donation to school to be put in a jar and then a donation will be made from the entire preschool class to the Good Neighbors Program in Norfolk. Good Neighbors is a group that provides for the needy. The group provides assistance to individuals and families the entire year, but the main fundraiser is always at Christmas time. Good Neighbors may assist a family by providing gifts, providing food, paying the rent and utilities, etc. This group is highlighted in the local paper each day with the story of a family in need and then a list of new donors.
Erica's first grade class is providing toys for the Bright Horizons. This non-profit group provides an escape for abused women and their children. The teachers sent a note home asking that each child do extra chores around the house to earn the money to buy a toy that they would really like and then donate the toy to these children at Bright Horizons. Erica bought a Princess Memory Game to be donated.
Cara's third grade class is providing Christmas presents for a needy family whose children attend the girls' school. Cara provided a new sweater for the mother and a pampering hand lotion kit and then also a game for one of the children.
I'm not sure that my children completely understand the concept of being needy or not being able to go to the store and buy food. I just hope that one day they understand to show compassion to others and that they learn from the example that Keith and I set forth about giving to others.
Take care,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
KISS Concert

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Breakfast with Santa

Ashlin shyly telling Santa what she wants for Christmas.
There was no way Ashlin was going to sit on Santa's lap.
Justin was all ready to sit on Ho Ho's lap.

Three of the Leader families posing with Santa.
Yes, Ashlin was mad about something, therefore, she was pouting.
We had a great time in Lincoln. Tune in tomorrow for the fun that was enjoyed by the Leader brothers on their night out.
Take care,
Monday, December 14, 2009
Christmas Concert
First up for the concert was the preschool classes. Ashlin stood in the front row in her black and red dress. Keith and I were proud of her. She actually participated by singing and doing the actions to the songs.
Then the other grades presented the ABC's of Christmas for the crowd. We got to listen to each grade perform, the 5th & 6th Grade bands, the Sacred Heart Singers and the elementary staff even sang a song. The staff has not participated before in the concert, but I thought it was a great addition to the concert.

Ashlin in the front row middle with her hands clasped.

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Candy Making Class
These were the first four candies that we made.

These are my finished candies from a night of learning and fun.